The MetaDome web server

MetaDome is aimed at professionals in the (bio-)medical field of human genetics who wish to visualize the position of their mutation of interest in the context of general population-based genetic variation and provide detailed information of pathogenic variants found across homologous domain positions.

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Citing MetaDome

  • L. Wiel, et al. MetaDome: Pathogenicity analysis of genetic variants through aggregation of homologous human protein domains. Human Mutation, May 2019.

Latest Publications

  • L. Wiel*, J.E Hampstead*, et al. de novo mutation hotspots in homologous protein domains identify function-altering mutations in neurodevelopmental disorders. The American Journal of Human Genetics, January 2023
  • J. Kaplanis*, K.E. Samocha*, L. Wiel*, Z. Zhang*, et al. Evidence for 28 genetic disorders discovered by combining healthcare and research data. Nature, Oct 2020
  • L. Wiel, et al. Aggregation of population‐based genetic variation over protein domain homologues and its potential use in genetic diagnostics. Human Mutation, November 2017.

Notable Achievements